“A very kind and patient teacher”
I first met with Dr. Oestreicher in 2008. I found him to be a very kind and patient teacher, and because of this I learnt much from him. Dr. Oestreicher was really patient and listened to everything I said. Anytime I would ask him to repeat, he kindly would do so and this helped a great deal to improve my English.
“Truly experienced”
I experienced my first time being in the OR with Dr. Oestreicher. The first thing I was shown was a levator muscle of the eyelid. I enjoyed watching his finger movements during surgery. The Dr. agreed with me that it was rhythmical and very similar to a form of art. He said that he never became tired as all patients are different. By observing the Dr., it taught me how to suture, and also how to proceed with an angiocath.
He also told me that before I proceed to do an angiocath with a needle, I should feel the vessels under my hand, which feel like moving worms. Dr. Oestreicher was truly experienced performing an angiocath and I asked him how he had become such an expert and he replied, because he had worked five years at an Emergency room before making his decision about Ophthalmology for his residency.
“An understanding between doctor and patient”
I experienced many interesting events in surgery. One particular incident involved a lady from Africa who could not speak English. After her surgery she raised her hands to the sky and thanked God, looked at the Dr., and reached out to take his hands in hers! This was very interesting for me to see someone from a different country, who could not speak English, showing her gratitude to a doctor. It is very important to have an understanding between doctor and patient, no matter of nationality or language.
My Observer-ship was over too quickly, but I learnt many things from Dr. Oestreicher. Dr. Oestreicher asked me to keep in touch with him, and whenever I returned to Toronto, I was welcome to visit him at any time. I continued my contact with him by email, and returned to Toronto many times.
At this time in my life I can definitely say I want to make Ophthalmology my future medical profession, therefore I will need to learn more about Ophthalmology in Iran and internationally.
“caring, compassion, empathy”
Although my time with Dr. Oestreicher was short, I have many memories and each memory was a learning experience. He taught me many things, caring, compassion, empathy, and a much better understanding regarding the medical profession, and of course, patience.